| CDUTCM-Keele Joint Health and Medical Sciences Institute Visits He Lin's Former Residence for Themed Party Day and Teacher Ethics Education Activity_Learning_PARTY CONSTRUCTION_CDUTCM-KEELE Joint Health and Medical Sciences Institute - 成都中医药大学
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Party Discipline Learning and Education | CDUTCM-Keele Joint Health and Medical Sciences Institute Visits He Lin's Former Residence for Themed Party Day and Teacher Ethics Education Activity

Source: Time:2024-05-31 16:04:16 Number of views: 【字体:

To thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourses on Party conduct, clean governance, and the construction of a culture of integrity, and to deepen Party discipline learning and education, thereby solidifying the patriotic and family values of Party members and cadres, the CDUTCM-Keele Joint Health and Medical Sciences Institute organized a themed Party Day and teacher ethics education activity on the afternoon of May 29. All Party members and staff visited the He Lin Former Residence Integrity Education Base for the activity titled "Inheriting Excellent Family Traditions and Cultivating Integrity and Uprightness."


He Lin's Former Residence, located in Jinxiang Village, Wufeng Town, Jintang County, is the birthplace of He Lin, a renowned Chinese philosopher, historian of philosophy, Hegelian scholar, educator, and translator. This site is the first in Sichuan Province to feature family tradition education as its theme and to offer interactive experiences with excellent traditional culture as its unique characteristic.


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Led by the guide, Party member teachers and staff visited themed exhibition rooms such as "Love for the Country," "Value Education," "Be Cautious in Making Friends," "Advocate Simplicity," and "He Family Rules and Traditions." They gained a detailed understanding of Mr. He Lin's life journey, from his early years of study to his lifelong dedication to academic pursuits. They experienced firsthand the excellent family traditions of the He family, encapsulated in the saying "Pass on the family legacy through poetry and books; maintain integrity through generations." The visit highlighted the importance of patriotic and clean family traditions for personal, family, and national development.


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Everyone expressed their determination to inherit He Lin's patriotic and clean family traditions, consistently maintaining the political integrity and purity of a Communist Party member. They also emphasized the need to integrate the excellent family traditions learned and experienced today into their classrooms and educational practices. By setting a personal example and embodying the spirit of educators with good character and solid teaching achievements, they aim to implement and promote the spirit of educational leadership.


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Through this activity, everyone received profound discipline education and serious Party spirit training, deeply understanding the essence of excellent family traditions and instructions. In the future, they will nurture a clear and upright Party and institute atmosphere through pure family traditions, continually enhancing discipline awareness and self-restraint. They are committed to always being loyal, clean, and responsible, fully exemplifying the role of Party members and teachers. With a more positive attitude, they will devote themselves to various tasks, contributing to the development of the institute's endeavors.
