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  • 盆  清代,高7cm,口径16cm,盆身通体饰回纹,堆塑树枝状耳和足。Basin in Qing Dynasty,7cmin height,16cmin caliber,lines in  geometrical  pattern in the surface of the whole basin,feet and ears in a state of tree branches which look natural and  springhtly .
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-27
  • 钟  汉代,高33cm,腹经26cm,口微侈,长颈,鼓腹,喇叭形圈足,腹中部及下部饰旋纹,有两个对称的环耳,耳上吊一圆环,器物表面泛铜绿色。Bell in Han Dynasty,33cmin height,26cmin diameter in belly,slightly wide opening,long neck, protruding  in belly,round foot in a horn shape,rou...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-10
  • 药杵臼  明代,高8.5cm,口径9.5cm,底径8cm,杵长18cm,敞口,直腹,饼形足,杵中部有节与臼相印合。Mortar in Ming Dynasty,8.5cmin height,9.5cmin caliber,8cmin bottom diameter,18cmin length of the pestle,broad opening,straight belly,round-shaped foot.
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-10
  • 熏炉  清代,高16cm,径16cm,荷花纹纽和耳,荷叶瓣底座,炉体呈圆鼓形,古朴典雅。Censer in Qing Dynasty,16cmin height, 16cmin diameter, ears and  handlebars  in shape of lotus flower,  foundation  in shape of lotus leaf and a drum-like of whole censer with a look of simple b...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-10
  • 炼丹瓶  宋代,高14cm,口径5.4cm,直颈,鼓腹,高圈足,表面有锈蚀痕迹,局部较严重,呈黑色。Bottle of refining Dan in Song Dynasty,14cm in height,5.4cmin caliber,straight neck,  protruding  in belly, high and ring foot,rust trace in surface and seriousness in part with bla...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-07
  • 温酒器  清代,高7cm,六角形,器身呈柱状,四足。中间的壶内盛酒,在内外层之间的间隙盛装热水,用于温热壶中的冷酒。Utensil of warming wine(liquor) in Qing Dynasty,copper in materials,7cmin height,hexagon,columnar body of the utensil,four feet,The liquor fills in the middle of the...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-07
  • 佛手熏炉  清代,长25cm,宽9cm,是做成佛手状的熏炉(惜盖已失)。Censer in shape of fingered citron in Oing Dynasty,25cmin length,9cmin width,It is pity that the cover has been lost.
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-07
  • 熏炉  清代,高38cm,径30cm,器形高大,瑞兽葡萄纹纽,通体饰高浮雕葡萄纹,精致大气。Censer in Qing Dynasty,38cmin height,30cmin diameter,big and tall in form,handlebars decorated in pattern of grape and auspicious  animals, decoration of grape carvings in relief with a si...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-04-07
  • 唾盂  民国,锡质,高8.8cm,口径6cm,底径3.7cm,六边瓜棱形,圈足上下均刻有纹饰图案,下部为花卉纹,上部饰有“花笑蝴蝶富贵铭文。Tin Spittoon in the Republic of China,8.8cm in height,6cm in caliber,3.7cm in bottom diameter,prismatic shape with six sides,carving pattem of fl...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-03-29
  • 药杵臼底部药杵臼  清代,高25cm,口径10cm,饼足,穹隆形盖。器身线刻圆圈形图案,足底饰铭文,古朴大气。Mortar with a pestle for medicine in Qing Dynasty,25cmin height,10cmin caliber,round foot,archivolt cover,circle pattern carvings in the utensil,decoration of inscription...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-03-17
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